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Planning Board Minutes 11/26/07
Planning Board Minutes 11/26/07

Greenfield Planning Board Regular Meeting 2nd Monday
Monday November 26, 2007
Minutes recorded by Kathleen Carpenter

Members Present:        Carrara, Morris, Halper, Borden, O’Connell, Fletcher, Alt. Steere
Others Present: Peter Hopkins,

Minutes read by Member Halper for November 12, 2007.  Add ‘done’ to “work has been to” from Smith major subdivision.  Member Morris has correction under Hall Way, check for truck access.  Should read “should be checked for compliance to plat specifications.”  Member Halper correction, in the paragraph continuation for Mitchell, 3rd sentence we should put in the year 2007.  Member Halper moves that minutes be accepted as amended.  Member Morris seconds, no discussion, all in favor.

Minutes read by member Steere, site walk Smith major subdivision, November 24, 2007.  Member Halper suggest change settling pools to help ‘present’ run off to ‘prevent’.  Member O’Connell moves minutes be accepted as amended.  Member Halper seconds.  No discussion.  The motion passes.

Peter Hopkins discusses Rocky Lane driveway specification, looking at plats.  Hopkins says that based on the plats, in his opinion, that is what has been done at Rocky Lane.  A truck can get in there and can turn around.  

In regards to Hall Way, there has been no complaints from the landowners.  Carrara says the letter has been sent out regarding Wright complaint.  Wright no longer owns property there.  Wright did make alternations without contacting the other three landowners.  Board has general discussion regarding what information Hopkins would need on the plats to be able to enforce specifications.  Ground rules under discussion, on a case by case basis, for all engineer defined specification drawings, the drawing needs to be certified and common driveway work approved by the engineer before the building permit is issued and as part of the plot plan approval.  For future subdivisions Hopkins also requests possible fire department approval.   In Common Driveway section of the Subdivision Regulations, we should change text to say “must be completed to the satisfaction of the Code Enforcement Officer.”  

Regarding the proposed parking lot at Delay’s, counsel for Town and Delay are in discussion regarding the zoning ordinance and site plan review.  Board asks Hopkins why Town Counsel is involved? Adams says the BOS will look into it. Delay needs to go through a site plan review in order to change the use of the lot from a residence to a parking lot.

7:46pm  Agenda Item Cilley Minor Subdivision on Muzzey Hill Rd.  
Mark Cilley (Property Owner), Dennis McKenney (Land Surveyor)

Carrara asks if anyone needs to disqualify themselves or if the applicants request anyone be disqualified.  Hearing none, Carrara reads the procedures.  New plats are handed out.  A sign in sheet is generated.

Mr. McKenney discusses the 2-lot subdivision of 23 acre piece, each lot has 11+ acres, frontage on Muzzey Hill Rd in Rural/Ag zone, house is on the southernmost tract for the 11.6 acre tract.  Carrara reads Oct 22, 2007 letter from Carol Ogilvie. Carrara goes through checklist.  The following items are noted:

1.      R-1 should be corrected to show R1. (see below discussion** for numbering)
        2.      Perk Test needs to be completed on new lot
           3.          Contour lines need to be shown
            4.          Upland and Wetland should be noted
            5.          On locus map the site configuration should be changed to show the  
                        current subdivision.
           6.          Possible easement for town turn around.

** Carrara discusses that Catherine wants the lot numbers to be reversed.  The new lot should read Map R1 Lot 1-2-1-2 and the old (existing) lot should read Map R1 Lot 1-2-1.

Carrara collects fees from Mark Cilley of $337.00 and issues a receipt.

Member Morris discusses town turn around access.  The Board discusses an easement.  Member  O’Connell moves to accept application to invoke jurisdiction.  Member Morris seconds.  Carrara asks for any discussion.  There is no discussion and a vote is called, all are in favor, the motion carries.  The public hearing is opened at 8:17pm.  Member Halper is concerned about the lack of a test pit and lack of upland/wetland indication on plat and would like that to be addressed before a conditional approval is considered.  Mr. McKenney asks to waive the requirement for digging a test pit.  The Board denies the request.  Member Halper requests that at minimum a statement regarding how much wetland/upland (percentage) is on each lot, roughly delineated.  Mr. McKenny asks if twenty (20) foot contours would be acceptable, the Board agrees.  Member O’Connell states that soils 143c and 79c should be noted on map.  Member Adams discusses that if one application has contour lines and wetland/upland delineations they all should have this, keeping the standards the same.  The public hearing will remain open and the continuation will be December 17, 2007 at 7:30pm.  

8:38pm  Agenda Item – DAAL Investments Minor Subdivision on New Boston and Coach Roads.

Mike Ploof (Surveyor), Tim Ferwerda (Wetlands Scientist)

Carrara asks if anyone needs to disqualify themselves or if the applicants request anyone be disqualified.  Hearing none, Carrara reads the procedures.  Public notification was properly completed.  Sign in sheet is generated.

Mr. Ferwerda discusses subdivision of R9-25-3.  A two (2) acre lot is proposed. Carrara reads comments from Carol Ogilvie.  Ms. Ogilvie mentions that watershed areas have not been noted.  Carrara goes through the checklist.  

The following items are noted:
Upland/Wetland need to be shown (existing and new)
Driveway cut and apron needs to be shown with statement (currently shown as line with star)
Compliance statement needs to be added, it currently states driveways conform, note should read plan conforms to subdivision regulations and zoning ordinances.
Summarize road frontages where access occurs.
Locus map needs to be corrected to show Thomas Rd (currently shown as Blanchard Hill Rd) and Minor Rd.
Duffy Fox needs to approve driveway location.

The Board has general discussion regarding setbacks when a lot has multiple roads such as this one, although this is not at issue in this case.  Would the 100 foot set back occur on all sides or just the access side?

Carrara requests fees of $382.00 from DAAL Investments.  Chair Carrara received check (at 9:55pm) and issues a receipt.

Member Morris moves that DAAL Investments application be accepted.  Member Halper seconds.  Chair Carrara asks if there is any discussion.  Not hearing any a vote is called, all are in favor, the motion passes.  The Public Hearing is opened at 9:13pm  The Board is requesting that the applicant presents another mylar with the above corrections and that a check is provided to the Town of Greenfield later this evening.  Member Fletcher mentions that the existing driveway is close to the proposed boundary line.  Applicant requests a waiver of the driveway location distance to the proposed property line.  The Board decides that Duffy Fox needs to approve the driveway location.  Member Borden suggests the applicant finds out more information regarding the requirements.  The public hearing will remain open and the continuation is scheduled for December 17th, 2007 at 8:00pm.

Member Adams left meeting at 9:24pm.  Member Steere takes his place for the remainder of the meeting.  Carrara calls for a 10 minute break.

9:35pm  Agenda Item Preliminary Conceptual Consultation (PCC) regarding Ryan Property on Route 31.  

Chad Branon (Meridian Land Services, Inc.), James Hawkins (Property Owner, Developer/Builder)

Chairman Carrara reads PCC practices. He asks the applicants, when they bring an application in, if they would ask him to disqualify himself because he is an abutter; they say no.  Mr. Branon discusses the proposed Lot R9-43 subdivision, the proposed plats are provided to the Board.  

10:28pm  Planning Board Mail
Info from Local Government Center to various Board members
BOS minutes
Driveway Permit for Mitchell subdivision
Memo sent from PB to BOS re: Hall Way
Zoning Board decision (approval) for Buffer Incursion for Greenfield Congressional Covenant Church

10:34pm  Member Halper moves to adjourn.  Member Morris seconds.  Meeting is adjourned.